Ear Lobe Repair

ear lobe repair

Ear Lobe Repair Treatment by Adorer Aesthetics

Ear lobe repair treatment in Pune is provided through both surgical and non-surgical methods. Worldwide, cultures have encouraged people to decorate themselves with earrings, ear piercings, and other dangling ornaments. This may produce pressure in the ear lobe and give it a saggy shape. Earrings and heavy metals may lead to permanent deformity in the auricular lobule due to gravity. Ear lobe treatment in Pune is being offered for auricular lobule clefts, aging, keloid formation, congenital deformities, and auricular tumors. Following an Ear lobe repair, a patient is advised to expect a few days of recovery time. However, most of the patients get the result immediately.


Ear lobe repair treatment in Pune is handled on an outpatient basis. Generally, the procedure is completed in one day. However, the duration of the procedure may vary depending on the extent of the damage caused to the ear lobe.

Surgical Procedure

Surgical repair of the ear lobe involves cleaning the damaged portion with antiseptic. A small instrument is used to eliminate the part of the skin near the hole in the ear lobe. Once the clean and clear margins are created, they can be stitched together. In this procedure, two sets of sutures are generally used. The suture in the inner tissue will get dissolved on its own. The second set is placed near the skin, and it needs to be removed after one to two weeks of the surgery.

Post-Treatment Care

After the repair treatment, the patient is advised to wash the ear lobe for a few days. Keeping the head high and relaxed while lying following the repair is also essential. The patient should be in touch with the doctor if any discomfort is felt and take prescribed medicines. If one wishes to re-pierce the ears after the repair, this must not be done for two to six months after the procedure. It is not advised to do the piercing in the same place as the original piercing.


The person who has undergone the repair treatment may have some swelling, bruising, and discoloration after the repair. The effects are different, so they can be varied from man to man. However, go away after a few days. There may be a flat and discreet scar after the repair, but as the tissue heals, it goes away.

Adorer aesthetics is a highly reputed institution providing a range of skin care treatments, and it is one of the leading providers of Ear lobe repair treatment in Pune. All the procedures of the treatment are medically proven. Do not hesitate to reach out to Adorer aesthetics because it will help you more than anything. Adorer aesthetics will provide you with the most accurate range of aesthetic treatments.
